My Response to
"I'm Mad" The "solution" will manifest only if we connect in the "right order" with one another - ie. the master is always the one who we are seeking to serve, not the other way around.
There is so much waste and disconnection in our world because the "Masters" of our world are masquerading as public servants. You/we cannot have our cake and eat it, too. But that's what happens when you/we place ourselves in the maw of systems that seek to - at the same time - 1) take no risk but claim 2) the monopoly of control on the distribution of wealth, property and trust in our world.
More government is not the answer.
More connections between and among individuals that are open and free from restraint, claim, control and regulation is the answer.
We are seeing glimmerings of this energy in the opening up of Facebook and other social media platforms. Twitter's "ONE BIG PIPE" and open API is powering this trend.
It's really about recognizing and reconnecting with the energy and power of "the sovereign individual".
Ask one simple question: How can I help you?
Acknowledge one simple fact: The one who answers is THE MASTER.
We must never, ever, violate the sacred trust and power of the sovereign, free individual. We must always seek to help and serve others, openly and freely.
A great New World with great New Energy and Hope is dawning right now. And this change/shift has nothing to do with Obama, et. al or our collapsing central government.
DC will soon morph into an historical Disneyworld theme park. Congress critters will only spend ONE week in DC. For all power is shifting back to the states, counties, neighborhoods and families where this great, grand rise of "the sovereign individual" is happening!
Peace and God Bless,
Hidden Spy Camera & Mic Found Inside Digital TV Box: "Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A popular video circulating on You Tube shows the discovery of a spy camera and a microphone hidden inside a digital TV converter box. Such devices are part of a government and industry surveillance program that is undoubtedly connected to the forced digital TV switchover being rolled out in the UK and US."